by Maralana | Feb 3, 2018 | Adventure, Blog, Self Help
Are you feeling as though you are stuck in a rut? Your daily and weekly routines never change and you start to wonder just what life holds for you in the future? If you do, not to worry as you are not alone. Hundreds of people feel the same way and are looking for a...
by Maralana | Feb 1, 2018 | Blog, Massage, Wellness
For years, professional level athletes and coaches have sworn by massages, and their efficacy in improving muscle health and performance. If you’re like most of the population, however, you are likely to take it with a grain of salt, believing there is nothing much to...
by Maralana | Nov 27, 2017 | Blog, Self Help
It is kind of obvious once you have hit burnout, the exhaustion, lack of motivation, poor efficacy, and overwhelming doubts of whether you should even be at your job are hard to miss. But, if you are not there yet, perhaps the symptoms aren’t as obvious and just on...
by Maralana | Nov 20, 2017 | How To, Interesting, Wellness
Thanksgiving is a Day of Thanks and feast. I am not one to tell you to be on a diet over the holidays and keep your calories in check. But I am one to tell you everything in moderation. That being said…Thanksgiving can be be not just a one day foodfest but...
by Maralana | Oct 26, 2017 | Blog, Positive Mindset, Self Help
You may not be aware of this fact, but your life is actually shaped by your thoughts. The way you view the world and your place in it determines how you feel, act and live. While we can’t all be sunny and happy all the time, how you talk to yourself does set the tone...
by Maralana | Oct 23, 2017 | Blog, Positive Mindset, Self Help
As humans, we are usually our own harshest critic. You’re probably familiar with that voice in the back of your mind telling you that you’re not worthy of accomplishing your goals. This voice is a liar, and it contributes to feelings of depression and anxiety. The sad...
by Maralana | Oct 22, 2017 | Blog, Positive Mindset, Self Help
Reaching for new goals takes a lot of dedication. You need to keep your desired end result in view if you want to stay motivated. When striving to develop a positive mindset, you can do this by choosing the people you allow into your circle carefully. By purposefully...
by Maralana | Oct 22, 2017 | Blog, Positive Mindset, Self Help
Do you consider yourself a goal-setter? People who regularly set goals for themselves create a framework or a plan for their lives. Some folks live by this process and may even go a bit overboard sometimes, while others have never considered actually writing down...
by Maralana | Oct 22, 2017 | Big Girl Adventure Life, Personal
Do you remember the first time you were told you were to fat to do something or the last time someone said you’d have to lose some weight before thinking something would be possible? I would like to say I do but I think that it has happened more time than I can...
by Maralana | Oct 21, 2017 | Blog, Positive Mindset, Self Help
Self-growth is a process that requires regular dedication over time. Embarking on a path to develop a positive mindset and to become a more fulfilled person is an action to be commended. It takes honesty and dedication to keep moving forward to better yourself, to...