With exploring new places comes new and old things to be prepared for out hiking in Humboldt trails. Whether you are new to hiking or have been hiking for a while, it is important to remember the basics while also getting to know your new area. Here are just a few tips to get you out there hiking in Humboldt.

Hike with a buddy – There is always safety in numbers as you never know what can happen on the trail. If you must go alone bring protection, be prepared (first aide, knife, cell phone, extra snacks etc), and have a back up plan
Back up Plan – Let someone know where you are going, when, and how long it should take. Check in before and after your hike. As always safety first! Drink plenty of water Stay on Trail- going off trail or making new trails causes erosion of hillsides and destroys the trail. Strategic planning went into putting the existing trails in. You are also more susceptible to injury.
Know your trail – there are many trails for Hiking in Humboldt with lots of off shoots. Know where you are going

Don’t take Danger home with you – Poison Oak and Ticks are a forest gift that keeps giving long after your visit. Stay on trail, don’t touch plants especially shiny, three leaf patterns. Wear clothing that covers all skin. Wash all areas that were exposed with soap and water after and pat dry. Check your body for ticks after each outing. Leave the poor Banana Slugs alone too…unless you want slimed.
Be Aware of Wildlife -” Lions and Snakes and Bears OH my!” For real though, Humboldt forests

These are just a few tips that I’ve gotten so far in my travels here. Be on the lookout for more tips and adventures to come.