After 3 long years living on the West coast and hearing the stories of beautiful waterfalls and landscape in Yosemite along with the gorgeous hiking and other outdoor explorations available. As we are driving up I saw a what I considered a waterfall but was more like a runoff from overflowing water. As I’m scrunching and twisting in my seat to see it, my boyfriend laughed and told me that that was nothing and that Yosemite falls would be bigger then I’d ever seen. My excitement level rose and soon enough we were in Yosemite Valley looking up and the amazing spectacles before me. Why see one waterfall when you can see them all…well the big ones anyways.

Lower Yosemite Falls
- Vernal Falls

Upper Yosemite from Sentinel Dome

Wampama Falls
This is just a sneak peak as we will explore and learn about all of these waterfalls on their own as each of them has their own story to tell.