Over the last 2 years I have had the opportunity to play disc golf a few times. If you don’t know about the ever growing phenomenon it’s got a lot of attributes and rules like golf but your throwing a disc into baskets. Every other time I have played it was just friends getting together to throw some discs and have some fun. And my philosophy was “Whip it” … No skill, no technique, no multiple disc bag… Just me, my one disc, and the course. Let’s just say I left always feeling inadequate and frustrated at not doing better. So it was never something I’d get excited to do.

Michelle Lopez & Kelly Muth
But I just had an amazing opportunity to learn the fundamentals with a group of women, thanks to the local adventure club. Our session was lead by Kelly Muth, ranked 28th in the world, and Michelle Lopez, local competitor.
Before hitting the course, Kelly broke down the fundamentals from hand placement to disc use and all the basics in between. She was an excellent teacher in explanation and review of my technique. A few tips of hers I offer to you in my understanding.
For Putting:
Use thicker heavier disc with fingers fanned out on the disc. Face the basket with non dominant foot slightly back. Then bend and extend upward/outward towards the basket ending with your fingers pointed at the basket as if shaking its hand.
For a Midrange or Long drive:
Use thinner lighter disc with fingers curled around the rim along the edge. Stand perpendicular to the basket holding arms out like a bird with your strong arm and hip lined up with the basket. The reach all the way back the opposite direction pulling across your body out and release. Let the momentum take you.
* In both of these it’s important to keep the disc on a flat plane.
After their instruction it all seemed to click. I was throwing further, calculating strategies, and thoroughly enjoying the game. We continued through the 9 hole course at Manila community park which offers a bit of variety for new and experienced players. It also boasts some gorgeous views.
As we worked through each hole we were greeted with new challenges and for me tweeting the comfort of the finger placement for the different throws. It was interesting to see how each of the girls progressed throughout their first 9 holes. Thankfully Kelly and Michelle both have unique stances and approaches to the game so we were all able to learn what styles worked for us and what didn’t.
And now after learning the fundamentals and really understanding the technicality of it, I can really see myself playing more disc golf. It’s fun for all ages, men and women. And best of all its free to do, after you buy a disc. Just hit up your local Disc Golf Course and start putting around (????see what I did there). If your not comfortable trying it alone, ask around as most disc golfers are happy to help (especially women because they need more women in the sport). Or find a lesson! Hope this helps you get started on a new adventure.