Goal setting is a process..an ongoing one! And should be revisited at least once a month or for some once a week. At the end of the week/month it is most important to have time of reflection on your previous goals. This should be done before you even think about the next set of goals.
So what do you reflect on?
How did you do? Go through each goal and rate it using a 1-10 scale or percentage. Sometimes you may not of completed your goal but got pretty close and that most definitely does not mean you failed at it. Think of it this way, if your goal was a certain weight, a size, or a distance/time, I’m sure you got part of the way there (unless you just didn’t attempt at all which in that case you may need to look at the importance of that goal to you… We will discuss that later)
So now you figured out that you did 8/10 of your goal or 80%. Now that’s Impressive! Do this to each one of your goals.
After you have done each goal, look back and celebrate the victories of 80% and above!! Yay party time you put in effort and made it happen!
Check out the ones that you scored 50-80% and write down the roadblocks, interferences, and downfalls that could have contributed to you not making this one happen. This is not a chance for you to make excuses but more a chance to explore how to do it better the next month. Some common deterrents are money, stress, time, people, scheduling, not making it a priority, but the prime cause is usually mindset!!
Now how can you change that and do it better next month.. Jot down all these ideas for each goal.
Moving on to the ones you scored less than 50%.
#1. Ask yourself if this goal was/is a priority. Is there pain/disappointment/frustration attached to you not doing as we’ll with this goal. If so move on to #2. If not, why did you make this goal in the first place?
#2 Time to do the same thing you did with the previous goals finding the roadblocks and how to do better next month.
Now look over your goals and all the notes you took. What ones really pop out at you and cause a rise in your emotions? These ones most definitely need to be moved to your next month goal list. Circle/star/highlight them so that you can reorganize the goal to fit your needs for the next month
Be sure to celebrate the victories and reward yourself properly, preferably not with food!